
SSG Insiders January 2020



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SSG Insiders January 2020

  • This month’s LIVE Chat is from Amanda Holloway!  She discussed “How She Went From 36K A Year To Making 7 Figures.”
  • Bonus LIVE Chat with Sean Brown!  He discussed “The Importance Of Outsourcing & Freeing Yourself.”
  • March’s Digital Magazine is Senior Style Guide Issue 44…The HOT 100
  • Ready to join SSG Insiders and never miss a thing?  Check out the benefits below and hit the Subscribe Now product option in the shop!

Something New is here. The SSG Insiders. Rewarding Our Members!

  • FREE Digital Magazines EVERY Month

  • Insider Only LIVE Chats With Educators

  • $9.99 Per Month

As An SSG Insider…Here is what you can expect…

A Digital Magazine each month. Senior Style Guide is released 7 times a year. And NOW, On the months that there is not an issue of Senior Style Guide, you will receive either Modern Teen Style or Modern Capture magazine. So EVERY month you will receive an industry related magazine.

LIVE scheduled chats with community members who have expressed a strong desire to teach and who have something to say! I am a firm believer that there is more than one way to do something and each of our speakers has something to teach you! SSG Insiders will receive links to a live chats with educators. Participate in Q and A’s. Topics like SEO, Studio, Marketing, Senior Reps, General Education and more!

And it is only $9.99 a month?

YES! If you do a quick calculation, digital magazines run $15-$25 an issue. This is a HUGE savings. Now add in the exclusive Insider LIVE chats and you have quite the perk for being an Insider!

Ready to sign up for a monthly subscription?  Hit the subscribe button!

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